The natural paradise of Stoll's Hotel Alpina

A wonderful oasis of peace and relaxation in the middle of the Berchtesgaden mountains -
Our unique natural paradise Stoll's Hotel Alpin spread over 12.000 square meters of pure nature !!!

"Nature has to be felt."

 Alexander von Humboldt 

Neben mächtigen alten Buchen, Walnuss, Kirsche, Birke, Zirbl-Kiefer, und Tulpen-Bäumen
you will also find shrubs, perennials and plants from native flora or distant countries:
Japanese fire false cypresses, South African elephant ears, impressive magnolias,
Box trees and our unique Queen of the Night, which blooms several times a year and much more.

The Alpina - a special kind of nature experience
Fühlen und spüren Sie mit allen Sinnen…

... the diverse beauty of our natural paradise.

A water lily pond in Stoll's Hotel Alpina in Schönau am Königssee / Berchtesgaden

... flowering and fragrant meadows: daisies, crocuses, spring knot flowers, dandelions, buttercups, lady's slipper, snowdrops, balsam, coltsfoot, knapweed, bluebells, silver root,

The green garden of Stoll's Hotel Alpina in Schönau am Königsseee / Berchtesgaden.

…the cheerful chirping of rare bird species and even “Hansi”, the capercaillie, who often visits us.

The capercaillie Hansi – one of many examples of rare bird species in Stoll'sHotel Alpina in Schönau am Königssee /Berchtesgaden.

…the colorful play of colors of many butterflies around the fragrant roses.

The roses in the beautiful garden of Stoll's Hotel Alpina in Schönau am Königssee / Berchtesgadener Land

…the squirrels scurrying from tree to tree in search of prey.

Magnificent trees in the garden of Stoll's Hotel Alpina in Schönau am Königssee / Berchtesgadener Land.

…das beruhigende Surren der Nektar sammelnden Hummeln am blühenden Efeu und wilden Wein.

Walls covered with ivy and wild vines of Stoll's Hotel Alpina in Schönau am Königssee / Berchtesgadener Land

Surrounded by original forests, meadows and lush alpine pastures
it is easy to relax and enjoy all the blooming
Flora und vielfältigen Fauna zu finden – ein wahrer natürlicher Ruhepol fern vom Alltagsstress!

Visit our natural paradise in the Alpina in Schönau am Königssee
- They will love it!

Your Stoll family and the Alpina team

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